Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 2nd - November 6th


We have been working with fraction operations.  Next, students will explore decimal operations.  

We remind our students to: 

  1. Use their resources,
  2. Ask questions,
  3. Learn from our collective mistakes, and 
  4. Know there is always a next step.   
We have been working through our chapter two math menu.  Students are encouraged to practice their math skills on Khan Academy at home.


Students have been working hard on their Ecological Issues projects.

Social Studies

Chapter 3 Vocabulary terms quiz on Nov. 4 
Why do people migrate?  Text pgs. 64-69
View video clips of Ellis Island
Practice latitude and longitude by playing the game "Battleship"


Mrs. Raucher - We have been studying the elements of fiction and are currently looking on setting (where and when a story takes place). Students are also reading Dear Mr. Henshaw in class focusing on Point of View.

Monday, November 2, 2015

October 26th - October 30th


Students began practicing dividing fractions. Key vocabulary: reciprocal (two numbers whose product is 1).

Learning the strategy:                Keep   Change    Flip


Monday students took a Test on Chapter 1 in Ecology.
Students have chosen a Human Caused Ecology Problem and began research in preparation for their final project. They need to complete an outline, write a five paragraph essay, listing 3 causes, 3 effects and 3 solutions to the problem, they also need to create a visual (i.e, poster, Prezi, Google Presentation) 

Social Studies

Students learned more about the 5 lines of latitude and the division of the climate zones: Polar Zone, Temperate Zone, and Tropical Zone.


Classes are continuing to focus on the five themes of fiction: Character, Point of View, Setting, Plot, and Theme.


Monday, October 26, 2015

October 19th - October 23rd


Students began learning about multiplying fractions by fractions, fractions by mixed numbers and mixed numbers by mixed numbers. In addition, students have been asked to continue own their own with Kahn Academy assignments.


Students were assigned Study Guide 2.2 - Organisms Can Interact In Different Ways. Key vocabulary includes: predator, prey, competition, cooperation, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.

Students ended the week with Ecology Vocabulary Bingo!

Social Studies

Students studied  their World Maps in preparation for their second World Map Quiz which includes the seven continents, five oceans and five lines of latitude.

English Language Arts

Students have been working on grammar throughout the semester including subject, predicate, object, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. 

This week students began a sixth grade Pen Pal writing project. Each student has been a assigned a pen pal from the Palmer School District, either individually or with a partner, to begin learning the components of a friendly letter. Students will correspond with their pen pal throughout the year culminating in a meet and greet with their pen pal in the spring at Look Park.

October 13th - October 16th


Students have been reviewing adding and subtracting fractions by finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD). They have also been reviewing equivalent fractions to reinforce the concept of LCD. Students can go on Kahn Academy to practice all of this concepts. Teacher recommended missions have been assigned for review.


Students were assigned 2.1 Study Guide - Groups of Living Things Interact Within Ecosystems. Key vocabulary includes: species, population, habitat, niche, and community. The enviornment is organized into five levels:

Biome - worldwide
Ecosystem - one particular area
Community - groups of populations
Population - same species, one area
Organism - single living thing

Students also took a quiz on Chapter 1.1 and 1.3.

Social Studies

Students added the five latitudes to their world map: Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, and the Antarctic Circle.
Students also took their world map quiz on the seven continents and 5 oceans.


Reading classes finished The Misfits and demonstrated their understanding of characterization by creating postcards written as a character from the novel.

October 5th - October 9th


Students are working on finding Least Common Multiple (LCM) using two different methods. The first is by using lists of multiples and the second is by using Prime Factorization. To find the LCM using prime factorization you make factor trees for each number using then compare the prime factorization of each number. For example the prime factorization of 16 and 20 is:

16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2                      2 appears more often here so underline all the 2s
20 = 2 x 2 x 5                            5 appears once underline it, do not underline the 2s
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 80               find the product of the underlined factors

So, the LCM of 16 and 20 is 80


Students were assigned 1.3 Study Guide - Energy Flows Through Ecosystems. They are learning more about producers, consumers, and decomposers and the feeding relationships in food chains and food webs. 

The Predator Prey field trip to Look Park was successful interactive learning experience  as students took on the roles of organisms in the energy pyramid. Students wrote reflection based on their experience during the event.

Social Studies

Students have continued working on their National Park Foldables incorporating the five themes of geography. In addition, they have been learning the seven continents and five oceans.


Students are continuing the school wide read of The Misfits focusing on the theme of characterization using direct and indirect character traits.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

September 28th - October 2nd


Welcome to the Sun Devils Blog. We will be using this blog as a distribution site for information to parents and students relative to assignment due dates, notes, articles, and videos to enhance classroom instruction. We hope you find this blog helpful in ensuring your student's success.


Students are learning how to find Greatest Common Factor using prime factorization and Venn Diagrams. Ask them to show you how to do it!!!

Social Studies

Students are learning about the Five Themes of Geography:

They have each been assigned a National Park to create a foldable listing the Five Themes of Geography for their park. There is a rubric and students have been doing research in class.


Students have been learning about feeding relationships between many different consumers and producers within an ecosystem. This relationship shows how organisms receive their energy.

On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 the sixth grade will be walking to Look Park to participate in a grade wide tag game of Predator - Prey to learn about predator and prey relationships.

  • Identify and find prey
  • Describe the role of camouflage for predator and prey
  • Discuss the role of predator-prey relationships