We have been working with fraction operations. Next, students will explore decimal operations.
We remind our students to:
- Use their resources,
- Ask questions,
- Learn from our collective mistakes, and
- Know there is always a next step.
We have been working through our chapter two math menu. Students are encouraged to practice their math skills on Khan Academy at home.
Students have been working hard on their Ecological Issues projects.
Social Studies
Chapter 3 Vocabulary terms quiz on Nov. 4
Why do people migrate? Text pgs. 64-69
View video clips of Ellis Island
Practice latitude and longitude by playing the game "Battleship"
Why do people migrate? Text pgs. 64-69
View video clips of Ellis Island
Practice latitude and longitude by playing the game "Battleship"
Mrs. Raucher - We have been studying the elements of fiction and are currently looking on setting (where and when a story takes place). Students are also reading Dear Mr. Henshaw in class focusing on Point of View.